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3 Gamification-based solutions trends to watch out for in 22

Gamification solutions are the rising star in the eLearning domain. Thus, there is a huge demand for eLearning gamification companies worldwide. A study report shows gamification-based solutions enhance learners’ productivity by 50% and engagement level by 60%. So, companies who use these solutions are bearing fruit.

However, in a couple of months, we will step in 2022. Also, the market share will be $30.7 billion by 2025, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.4%. Hence, what will be the new trend added to the list? In this post, we are discussing few upcoming trends that will dominate in the future! Read on and explore!

Upcoming Popular Gamification-Based Solutions Trends

1.     Blend with other technologies

No doubt, gamification solutions are used as a standalone eLearning strategy, but it will blend with other technologies like VR, AR, and many more in the future. The major USP of gamification solutions is they are easy to add to microlearning strategies or any eLearning platform. As a result, it elevates the learning experience and engagement level.

2.     Employees’ onboarding

The fact is, companies opt for gamified solutions for employees’ onboarding. Even reports say, 54% of new hiring are highly productive because of gamified onboarding. It is because gamified courses do not need to be digital always. It has a blend of digital and in-person training that acts like blended e-learning solutions.

3.     Gamification in other sectors

As of 2021, 28.6% retail sector is the market leader to adopt gamified solutions. So it is not that only the education sector is gaining the maturity to adopt the same, even the retail sector has joined the list! More facts? One of the leading banking companies witnessed a 700% increase in consumer acquisition after gamifying the in-house learning modules.